1. Pre- Application
We highly recommend seeking out planning advice first to ensure your proposed plans are achievable and if not, what changes can be made to grant the best chance of success. iHus work alongside a trusted consultant and can put you in touch straight away if required.
2. Application and Submission
Both the Householder and Certificate of Lawfulness application will be submitted electronically to your Local Planning Authority via the Planning Portal. This will be a robust and persuasive document to justify the proposal. It is worth nothing the pricing differs between the two applications. For an annexe (Householder Application) there is a cost associated with the application.
3. Validation
Your LPA will check they have all the information they require and will contact your consultant should they require anything further. The application is then validated and can be registered. The validation stage can take 1-3 weeks dependent on the busyness of the LPA.
4. Consultation and Publicity
During this period your submission will be published through a number of outlets. This will allow the local community to be aware and comment any concerns 21 days from the published date.
5. Site Visit
Should it be required, the planning officer will attend the site and make an inspection.
6. Consideration of Application
Your application will be compared against existing council policies plus any due to be brought in. Checks will be carried out to ensure the site is meeting council standards such as parking and day lighting.
7. Recommendation
Taking into account all of the above, the planning officer will make a recommendation to be taken to the senior planning officer. They will then make the final decision.
8. Decision
Either approved or could be refused. With an approval, it may be subject to certain conditions, refusals can also be appealed.