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This is the last in our third part series on the granny annexe process, you can find part one here and part two here. This week we are looking at what happens when elderly relatives have moved into their new home in The Granny Annexe Process Part 3.

The Granny Annex Process Part 3 – Setting Boundaries

It may be tempting to think that now your elderly relatives have moved into their new granny annexe in your outdoor space that the hard work has been done and everyone can relax. In many ways, you would be completely right.

The stresses and strains of moving into a new home are indeed over and done with, but now you may be presented with a new set of challenges.

Anyone who has stayed at a relatives house, even for a short space of time, will know that people have different routines and just do things differently.

This is usually fine for a short stay, we are sure you will have experienced this when you get family together under one roof for Christmas or a birthday.

However, if you are now living in such proximity to your elderly relatives in their granny annexe it is a good idea to take about setting some boundaries with your relatives.

Notice we say ‘with’, as with every other step of this process it is important that your relatives feel that they are decision-makers and not having their independence removed and choices imposed on them.

You want their new start in a luxurious new living space to be a positive experience and don’t want them to feel like they now have a set of rules to abide by.

Maybe over a relaxing Sunday lunch or a Saturday brunch, have a discussion about how you all want your daily routines to be.

Some families will be fine with everyone popping in and out as and when they want. But some will want a bit more privacy.

By approaching the subject together, you will be much more likely to agree to some boundaries that everybody is happy with.

The Granny Annexe Process Part 3 – Bills Bills Bills

Ahh money again, we talked in part one of the granny annexe process about how it can be a very difficult subject to discuss with elderly relatives.

Everyone wants to feel in control of their own finances, have financial independence and not have to ask for help.

But for life-changing situations such as these it is better to have the conversations as soon as possible rather than get into trouble overspending and running into debt.

As Granny annexes are of course classed as an ‘annexe’ they will use the electricity supply and internet supply from the main house.

This extra usage will, of course, mean extra cost so you will have to sit down and when you do a budget plan consider the available options. Can you absorb the cost, or can it come from somewhere else?

Will your elderly relatives be able to contribute at all? It may take a month or two before you see how much extra will be needed.

There are ways of keeping the costs monitored and making sure you don’t waste any electricity unnecessarily.

Smart meters can be installed so you can see how much the monthly usage is and smart thermostats mean that you can remotely adjust heating from an app on your smartphone.

Consider The Future

Depending on the reasons why your elderly relatives are moving into a granny annexe, you may want to look at if they will need further care in their new home.

If they are suffering from a mobility health issue, think about having wheelchair access from their home to the main house.

Would they find it useful to have extra equipment to help them move in and out of the bath or bed?

In part one of the granny annexe process, we mentioned contacting your local authority to arrange for a needs assessment to see what help is on offer, from grants to equipment.

If you haven’t yet had the chance to read part one then here is a link to the government’s website where you can arrange to have a needs assessment

Another good source of information is the Age UK website where you can easily find out what other help is available to you and your elderly relatives.

Get In Touch

We hope that the granny annexe process part 3 has been useful to you, if you do have any further questions or would like more information on our annexes and the annexe building process then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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