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What are my options? Homecare for The Elderly

It can be difficult to accept needing more support and assistance as we get older; but – unfortunately, declining health and mobility is often an inevitability with age. Homecare for the elderly is a popular choice in the later stages of life; but – with so many variations on offer, it can be a bit confusing. Despite this, it’s important to look into your options – since it’s likely we’ll all need some assistance in the future.

For many, moving into a care home; and giving up their independence in the process – is a less than ideal choice. That’s why many opt for moving into an annexe – so their loved ones can be nearby to act as primary caregivers. However – while this option can delay the need for a care home; it’s likely we’ll all need help from a professional service at some point.

Having a paid carer come to visit your home or annexe could be a preferable solution; or a good way to help alleviate pressures on informal caregivers you already have in place. Indeed, homecare for the elderly can be a great way of getting the help you need; while still living as independently as possible. Researching what’s on offer is vital if you’re wanting to make sure you’re getting a care plan that suits you – so what exactly are your options?

Homecare for the Elderly – What help can the NHS offer?

In certain circumstances, the NHS can offer support to older people in need of care; that isn’t means-tested and is – most importantly, free of charge. From providing appropriate equipment or making small adaptations to the home; to fully covering the cost of care in your own home – what’s on offer really can vary. It’s worth doing some more research; but here are some of the ways the NHS could help finance homecare for the elderly.

In terms of home adaptations; the NHS can provide funds for any piece of equipment you need – so long as it’s under £1,000. This includes – but isn’t limited to; grab-rails, perching stools; ramps for wheelchair access; or even an intercom system for answering the front door remotely. You’ll need to contact your local council for a home assessment in order to get it; but it could save you another bill. What’s more; these live-in aids can be fitted into an annexe property with ease – here at iHus; we’ll even do it for you.

As we get older, falls and fractures can increasingly become a cause for concern. In fact, around a third of people aged 65 and over fall at least once a year – sometimes resulting in a trip to the hospital. In these circumstances; the NHS can offer free healthcare support, for up to six weeks, in your own home or in an annexe. Reablement – or immediate care; aims to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.

Yet another package of care on offer; NHS continuing healthcare helps towards the cost of domiciliary care if you – or a loved one; is living with a serious illness or disability. So long as the majority of your care is for a primary health need, the entire cost will be provided for. It can be a complex process – involving an initial screening before a detailed assessment; but it’s worth looking into if your circumstances suit.

Paid Homecare options for the Elderly:

Homecare help from the NHS aside; what are the options when it comes to getting a paid for carer? The truth is, there’s a lot of them; and every homecare provider will do things slightly differently. Even council organised care – which tends to cost £20 an hour; varies in price and offerings depending on where you live.

Private care agencies can provide broader, more specialised homecare for the elderly; though often at considerably higher costs. If you planned effectively – and budgeted your pension well however; you may find yourself approaching the later stages of retirement with some considerable savings still tucked-away.

If that’s the case – then it’s worth looking into what your options are when it comes to homecare near you. For now though, we’ve created this by-no-means exhaustive list on paid homecare options for the elderly.

1) A Short-Term Solution:

Homecare provided by a paid carer – either through the council or a private service; tends to be very flexible. Whereas some may need more regular help – or even a carer to live-in with them; some may only need a couple hours each week. This flexibility allows care to work around an individual’s specific needs; so if they’re living in an annexe and already have people on-hand to help – they won’t need to pay full-whack for a permanent in-home care option.

Perfect for elderly people still in relatively good health; a carer can be provided to help with tasks that are starting to become a strain – such as doing the weekly shop. This way, a paid carer can help ease some of the stresses that inevitably come with age; without incurring the hefty costs of full-time care.

2) It’s Supplementary:

For many, it’s a more comfortable and cost-effective option to be cared for by relatives or loved ones when their health declines. That’s one reason why many move closer to family – or even in a granny annexe or garden home on their property; once they’ve retired.

In fact, one in eight people in the UK – around 6.5 million people; are informal caregivers to older or disabled relatives. It’s a significant amount of free care benign given; but it can take its toll. The significant demand of caring means that 600 people leave their jobs every day to focus on the responsibility.

The flexibility of homecare can help to alleviate these pressures. Through the council or a private service; a paid carer can be provided for as many hours as they’re needed each week. Supplementary – or respite care, is a good option for avoiding a full-time bill while reducing the stress of care on loved ones you’re living with; thereby allowing them to have a better work-life balance.

3) Safe and Secure Homecare for the Elderly:

Some private care services offer an option for a carer to stay with an older person overnight – should they require it. Unlike live-in care – where the person providing support moves into the home full-time; a carer from an overnight service would finish their shift in the morning.

It’s an option that can provide family members peace-of-mind knowing that someone is on-hand, awake and alert should anything happen. Whether it’s monitoring an older person with breathing difficulties; aiding them in going to the bathroom without a fall; or even making sure the home is locked and secure at night.

4) Specialist Selected:

While most care providers do their best to give elderly people in their care the most appropriate help they can; sometimes these services can stretch a little thin. If someone is dealing with a specific condition or disability that requires extra care; it could be a good idea to seek out a specialist care service.

Each and every condition comes with its own set of challenges; and increasingly, private care providers are trying to tackle this issue. For example, there are some care agencies that focus on dementia homecare; and offer a specialised care service – in a home or annexe environment; specifically tailored towards living with that condition.

5) A Little Bit of Company:

Loneliness among the elderly is a pressing issue; and around 1.4 million older people in the UK reported that they often feel alone. It’s an issue that many choose to negate by moving closer to their relatives or loved ones when they retire; such as by having a garden annexe constructed on their property. However, for those who don’t choose this option; some care services do acknowledge the value social care can provide.

Carers are matched up with the older people they’re caring for on a long-term basis; so they can get to know each other and develop a camaraderie. Sometimes, having someone to listen to music with, talk to or go for an afternoon walk with can make all the difference; especially if the older person is living far from family and friends.

Leave it to iHus:

Here at iHus, we’ve got more than 10 years experience building specialised garden homes and granny annexes to suit individual needs. Whatever your ability; we take pride in constructing a space – with all the appropriate aids; to keep you living as independently as possible.

If you’re worried about affording homecare for the elderly; an annexe can be a cost-effective solution worth looking into. Talk to our friendly and experienced team today to see how a garden home could be the perfect care solution for you.

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