Independent Living Solutions with an Annexe

Independent living may be something that is becoming difficult for a family member. You may have noticed that they are struggling with a larger home, keeping it maintained and generally tiring them out.

The problem you can see a loved one facing may be that with age they are struggling to manage their own mental or physical wellbeing in a home that has so many memories.

It could be you that is having these doubts or difficulties and you need support but you do not need, and certainly don’t want, the option of moving into a care home or full-time support.

Independent living options are available to you with an annexe, and you will be amazed at how simple it can be with iHUS.

What is independent living?

Independent living is being able to live a comfortable and enjoyable life without the reliance on a carer, another person or family members. To be classed as living independently you are capable of day to day skills such as your own personal care (including hygiene, dressing), meal preparation, completing day to day tasks such as the laundry and your own personal organisation including financial matters and basic upkeep of your home.

Living independently is not a huge struggle but you may need additional support either physically or emotionally in the form of being closer to family or loved ones.

This is when an iHUS granny annexe is a perfect solution.

No Need for Assisted Living

Independent living is not assisted living. Assisted living may be where you move into a “retirement village” or community with other people in a similar situation to yourself. Here you would live in a gated style community and staff would be on hand to support you if needed. You would live in a self-contained apartment but each would be like every other, with no individuality. You’d certainly have more freedom than a care home, but there would still be limitations to what you can and can’t do.

Why choose Independent Living

With an iHUS granny annexe you can choose how you live independently. The build is flexible enough to suit most spaces so all you need is a garden of a loved one to contain your annexe. By living independently you can benefit by:

  • Continuing to live your own life as you choose
  • Living in an annexe that has its own build and style to meet your needs and personality
  • Being close to loved ones who are on hand to support you if and when you need it
  • Having your own space
  • Continuing to lead your social life just as before

Additional Support for Elderly Care

Support can come in all manner of forms.

We often hear that additional support for your elderly loved ones could be as simple as knowing they’re within touching distance of your own front door. That if they were to have a fall or an accident, you could be on hand within seconds to help.

It might also be some additional company in an evening. If one of your parents has sadly passed away, your remaining parent could be more than capable of looking after themselves, they simply need a bit of company without getting in your way within your own house.

It does not necessarily mean support that will take away your loved one’s independence.

Additional Support for Disability

Like with support for an elderly relative, a Granny annexe can provide the perfect solution for a family member or loved one who has a disability but doesn’t need care or full-time support.

Annexes from iHUS come with the additional advantage of facilities as standard for people with a disability including a wet room.

Living in an annexe means that independence is kept and a relaxing life can be led at the bottom of the garden of the main homeowner.

Independent Living Advice and Guidance

When you or a loved one is considering an annexe it is important to know what to look for. At iHUS we know from customer feedback that these are the two main benefits of living a garden lifestyle:

Individuality – knowing why to choose the model you want based on unique personal preferences. We have a large range of models to choose from that will be a fantastic starting point for your new build. All you have to do is choose the fixtures and fittings that will make it a home.

However, if you want something different and have the need for a bespoke annexe build, we also offer this.

Downsizing – Later in life we don’t want the hassle of the upkeep of a large home. A huge number of our beneficiaries are those people that want to move somewhere smaller and remain close to family without unnecessary fuss.

iHUS Can Provide Your Independent Living Solution

A granny annexe is an answer to so many solutions for those in need of a light-touch method of support while remaining at home on their own.

We have had almost 300 families benefit from an annexe build across the UK and our team is always on hand to answer your questions.

Get in touch with the iHUS team today and we will be happy to help.

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Download our iHus annexe brochure

If you would like to download our annexe brochure, please complete the form below. You can also request for a hard copy to be posted to your home address. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?

If you would like to download our annexe brochure, please complete the form below. You can also request for a hard copy to be posted to your home address. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?


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    Whether you’re looking to build a garden annexe, or just have a quick question, get in touch with us today and one of our friendly team will get back to you.

      Download our iHus annexe brochure

      If you would like to download our annexe brochure please complete the form below. You can also request for a copy to be posted to your home address. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?


        Get in touch with iHus

        If you want to speak to one of the team about how Multi-Generational Living can be achieved by building an annexe. Complete the form below.

          Is an Annexe right for you?

          Save time scrolling and speak with one of our annexe experts to find out if an annexe would work for you and your family.

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            If you would like to view an annexe show home, please complete the form below. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?


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              If you would like to download our annexe finance guide please complete the form below. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?

              Download our iHus annexe brochure

              If you would like to download our annexe brochure please complete the form below. You call also request for a copy to be posted to your home address. Have any further questions, why not request one of our team get in touch?

              Download Your Free Annexe Brochure
