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Now that Spring has arrived, the coldest days of winter are almost behind us. However, as the freezing-cold conditions of recent months subside, springtime brings a host of new garden-living challenges. With the start of a new season comes the opportunity to re-organise your home, prepare your outdoor space, and save some money on bills…

Spring Cleaning Your Home and Annexe

With spring arriving, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and yet – if you’re anything like us, the house still has a case of the winter blues. As the days get longer, it’s the perfect time to tackle any pesky household chores that have piled up recently. Spring cleaning is a tradition, but – while it may seem daunting to some, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. By breaking tasks down into manageable chunks, you’ll find it easier to give your home the refresh it deserves. Instead of trying to do a deep clean in one week, it’s better to create some checklists to work through one step at a time. 

Got a Spare 15 Minutes?

  • For an instant refresh, put all your winter bedding, festive clothes, and seasonal decor into storage, and replace them with items fit for spring.
  • Using a damp microfiber cloth, remove any germs, fingerprints or smudges from light switches, doorknobs, cabinet handles and mobility railings.
  • Grab a dusting wand, give your open surfaces a thorough seeing-to, and crack out some furniture polish for a quick shine-up.
  • Whip around your skirting boards with a microfiber mop to swiftly remove all of the dust, dirt and debris collecting along them.
  • Head outdoors and give your garden furniture and accessories a quick wash down to remove any grime that’s built up over the winter months.

Older people who opt for outdoor living spaces tend to need more support due to mobility issues. With family members acting as in-home caregivers, why not make spring cleaning a communal endeavour? Assign age-appropriate tasks to get everyone involved, or sweeten the deal with a reward for getting the work done. Either way, you’ll benefit from a tidier home.

Preparing your Outdoor Space for Garden Living

When it comes to garden living, the space around your annexe is just as important as the space within. While we create builds for people of all ages, those downsizing in retirement often find gardening a great pastime. Not only does it help to keep you active in older age, but you can also create some spectacular views to gaze out on from the comfort of your annexe.

After a long cold spell through winter, it’s likely your garden needs some tender loving care. With spring just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to don your wellies, grab a shovel and get out into the garden. The sooner you start the better, and – by putting in some extra work now, you could be reaping flavourful vegetables and gorgeous flowers by the summer.

Garden living with beautiful space outside an annexe

Springtime Gardening Tips

  • At the start of spring, it’s important to get on top of your weeds before they take any light or water away from the plants you want to grow.
  • While many people mow their lawns in spring, it’s worth leaving areas uncut to help encourage daisies, clovers and other plants to flower for pollinating insects.
  • When tidying and cutting back winter growth in your garden, it’s important you take care not to disturb any nesting birds or hibernating critters in your hedges.
  • Once the soil gets warmer, it’s a good time to start sowing hardy vegetables such as broad beans, potatoes, carrots, lettuce and onions.

Our range of annexes comes in a wide variety of sizes, including condensed builds to suit plots with smaller footprints. If you have a small garden, patio or terrace, then a growing container provides a great alternative. Herbs – such as rosemary, sage and thyme, are all great additions to indoor planter pots and can be housed near the kitchen for easy access.

A pet dog enjoying garden living

Keeping Your Annexe Energy-Efficient

In this age of rising living costs, energy efficiency is more of a pressing concern than ever before. Far from just a winter-time worry, people are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their bills year-round. While things are starting to warm up, there’s still plenty of cold weather ahead. So, how exactly do we keep energy costs down through such an unpredictable time?

There are plenty of solutions, starting with having the right fittings in place first. Our annexes are designed with quality, durability and specification in mind. Those taking the garden living plunge with iHus benefit from reduced bills, eco-efficient tech and great insulation. However, there are also a number of general steps you can take to be more energy-efficient in spring…

Energy-Efficiency Tips for Spring

  • Harsh winter conditions can cause damage to the seals on your windows and doors, allowing cold air to leak inside. Check your borders for cracks, and – if there are any, reseal them with a new line of caulk.
  • Spring is infamous for drastically changing temperatures, with some days warm and others cold. When the sun does come out, it’s worth opening your curtains, windows and doors to allow for natural heating.
  • With warmer, and – dare we say it, drier days ahead, now’s the time to start drying your clothes outside. Tumble dryers are one of the biggest energy consumers, so it’s best to avoid using them where possible.

Let iHus put a Spring in your Step

With over ten years of experience – and more than 500 bespoke annexe constructions under our belt, we know a thing or two about outdoor living. We create builds for all seasons, so we’re always happy to share some expert advice and discuss any concerns you may have.

Simply get in touch with our friendly team today to discover how we can create an outdoor living space that you – and your family, can truly call home…

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